Monday, December 1, 2014

Quilt Top Four is Done and Dusted

It's beginning to look like I might actually have four quilts finished in time to gift to boys. 

This is all thanks to the kind souls who assured me it would not be a major cop out to have the Quilt Pixie handle my sandwiching. 

I deviously asked Boy Number Four what his favorite colors were and he said probably blue or black. Black seemed a little too somber to me as the sewist, so I went with blue. Turns out if you use blues you're liable to end up with an undersea motif or two.

Lest you think I'm leaving all the hard parts to a professional, I will be putting on my own binding. I've done some googling about technique. It looks like the recommended method is to machine sew the binding along the edge on the front of the quilt, then flip the binding to the back and slip stitch the edge. These aren't big quilts and we've been doing a certain amount of TV watching on these long winter nights, so I can probably finish that hand sewing in time for the big day. But just in case I find myself pressed for time, would stitching in the ditch to secure the binding on the back be a workable alternative?

These quilts are going to live with twenty-something males, so they're liable to spend at least part of their lives wadded up on a closet floor. I'm not aiming for heirloom quality here!


  1. I am in awe of anyone who can make a quilt, let alone 4!. Good luck with the deadline. The colours look very manly to me.

    1. Thank you! I'm afraid I veered into 9-year-old territory with some of the prints, but, hey, they're still kids to me.

  2. I machine stitch all my bindings using Shiny Happy World's Binding Technique, with the exception that I machine stitch it first to the back, then flip it over and c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y pin exactly where I want to stitch, then machine top-stitch on the front. I figure that way if I mess up, the back is messed up and not the front?! But each time I've done this.... going on maybe 6 times now.... all has turned out well. Your quilt looks great! The boys will love them! P.S. She has a great way to begin and end the binding that, to me, is stress-free. Look forward to seeing the quilts completed!!

    1. Thank you for the tips! This information is better than gold! You have totally eased my stress levels about finishing these puppies. I'll let you know how it goes....
